What would you do if you won the lottery?

I knew someone who won $300 million in the lottery.

She had two grown sons with families and she gave them each $100 million. 

I ended up at a cocktail party making small talk with the wife of one of the sons. It seems the lucky mother-in-law had one stipulation before she would share the money with her sons, both sons and their wives had to

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When he said ‘Nah! You write now!’

Question of the Day: Can you share a positive example of where you've felt loved?

Left the fitness center smiling. Decided to treat myself to a sparking water and fifteen minutes of writing. I have a promise to myself to write ten minutes a day.

Opened up my PC and started to think. No ideas. Not even a sentence. I opened up the Bloganuary to see what prompt it was serving up. "Share a positive example of where you've felt loved." Thinking. Rolling ideas around in my head. Minutes ticking by. Nine minutes left. I knew I needed to get home to spend time with Grey.

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What color are your thoughts?

Question of the Day: Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Umm. In the past I thought about my future. In the future, I expect to think about the past.

But seriously, this question is meant to point out to you where you place your focus, on things that have already happened that you cannot control versus hopes that may not materialize.

To me the better question is what color are those thoughts? As Marcus Aurelius said, 'The soul becomes died with the color of its thoughts." What color are your thoughts? Mine are a deep, gorgeous orange.

The Calling

Reluctantly, I agreed to attend a session purported to help you build the next phase of your life. As a happy stay-at-home mom, I knew I should consider where I would venture to after I exited Momsville, what would I do then? It would be a good idea to have a few ideas in mind, especially ideas that I could monetize.

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Young and Old, Over a Cold One

I recently came across a journal I kept my freshman year of college for my second semester English class. Later that evening, I flipped open the journal. Two hours later, I closed the notebook. How many people get to re-meet their younger self? There, in those pages, Young Orange Doorhinge shared her arch observations...

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